Marcus Aurelius AD 161-180 Silver Denarius
Marcus Aurelius as Caesar AD 161-180 Silver Denarius
Bare head right/ Minerva standing right holding spear and shield
RCV4787; 17mm, 3.53g
Comes with previous collectors label
Marcus Aurelius AD 161-180
Born in AD 121 as the nephew of the Empress Faustina Senior Hadrian recognised qualities and arranged for his marriage to the daughter of Aelius who had been appointed as Hadrian’s heir. When Aelius died prematurely Hadrian stipulated that his new heir, Antoninus Pius, adopt Marcus Aurelius together with his brother Lucius Verus as joint heirs.
When Antoninus Pius succeeded in AD138 Marcus’ career progressed rapidly and he was appointed Caesar in AD139. Marcus’ betrothal to Aelius’ daughter was annulled in favour of marrying the emperors youngest daughter Faustina Junior which he did in AD145.
Granted tribunician powers in AD147 Marcus became emperor in AD161.
1 in stock